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Teacher Student Jokes-2

FATHER: I think so. What do you want me to write?
SYLVIA: Your name on this report card.  
Teacher: "what's the further away, America or the Moon?"
Student: "America!"
Teacher: "America? Whatever gave you that idea?"
Student: "Simple, We can always see the moon from the india, but not america!" 
TEACHER: In this box, I have a 10-foot snake. 
SAMMY : You can't fool me, Teacher... snakes don't have feet.  
Teacher :What happened in 1809?
Student: Abraham Lincoln was born.
Teacher :What happened in 1819?
Student: Abraham Lincoln was ten years old. 
TEACHER: If I had seven oranges in one hand and eight oranges in the other what would I have? 
MOTHER: Why on earth did you swallow the money I gave you? 
JUNIOR: You said it was my lunch money. 
TEACHER: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with "I".
ELLEN : I is... 
TEACHER: No, Ellen. Always say, "I am." 
ELLEN : All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."  
Teacher: Pappu, TAMSO MA JYOTIR GAMYA" shloka ka kya arth hai?
Pappu: Tum so jayo maa, mein Jyoti ke pass ja raha hoon. 
TEACHER: How can you prevent diseases caused by biting insects? 
JOSE : Don't bite any.  
Teacher: "How do you like your new house?"
Student: "Oh, we like it very much. I have a room of my own, each of my sisters has a room of her own. But poor Mum, she's still in with Dad." 
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